Tuesday, March 6, 2007

my blog has grown so much I've divided it!

Due to the overwhelming interest in my blog (and some great feedback and suggestions) I have decided to make the pages easier to view and read by separating the topics and placing the information and pictures on new blog pages.

1. For basic swap card information and terminology (swap card terms, dates, styles and eras) click here

2. For information about swap card storage and display (including the best type of albums and where to buy them, cleaning cards and removing old cards from albums)
click here

3. For information on other branches of swap card collecting (aces, jokers and "extra" cards) click here

THEMES commonly collected

Not all card collectors are collectors of cards! Many people begin just by collecting cards they like the look of, or cards that remind them of their childhood, or topics of special interest like horses, certain cat/dog breeds, birds etc. Many of my buyers are artists who use the cards as inspiration, craft enthusiasts (decoupage, scrapbooking and the likes) or students doing projects (one did a great one on portrayal of women through the ages - all in cards!). Another artist bought ALL my jokers and did a huge artwork of them! People's creativity amazes me, I just stick them in albums! These special interest cards often start the collecting bug and then people go onto collecting the whole set of known cards. The following pictures are designed to show you the variety of themes people can collect. The following pictures (thumbnails) are clickable so it you want to view one larger just click it.

themes - WIDES

some of my favourite wides colour wides advert wides monotone wides #1 monotone wides #2 monotone colour variations scenery wides animal wides


themes - BIRDS


themes - ART DECO silhouettes


themes - c1970's Aussie blank backs

The blank back Australian trading/swap cards had a wide variety of themes, mostly "cutesy" images of cats, dogs, horses etc which were very popular. Some of the more valuable are the Sarah Kay series and the Joy girls.

themes - HORSES

themes - FLOWERS